! "main" (cells 73 length 61 width 36 generation 0) ! A reaction in which a glider is turned into a boat for one cycle of ! a pair of queen bees, and is then sent on it way again. This is useful ! to delay a glider for a while. ! David I. Bell 32k32h@! .O ..O OOO . . . . . . . . . . . . ................O .................O ...............OOO . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................O ................................O ..............................OOO . . . ........................OO ........................O.O ...................OO....OOO ...............OOOO..O....OOO ...............OOO.OO....OOO ........................O.O ........................OO . . . . ................................O ...............................OOO ..............................OOOOO .............................O.O.O.O .............................OO...OO . . ................................O ...............................O.O ...............................O.O ................................O ................................OO ................................OO ................................OO