! Period 40 puffer. ! This shows a puffer engine found by Hartmut Holzwart in September 1993. ! In the original pattern, the engine was driven by a large period 4 ! spaceship that he found. In this version by David Bell, the engine is ! driven by period 2 spaceship components. This is the first known ! orthogonal puffer that does not make use of any "standard" spaceships. ! This creates a pond, beehive, and block every 40 generations. ! David I. Bell, 29 Sep 1993 ! "main" (cells 185 length 43 width 38 generation 7) 21k2h@! .....O.O ....O..O ...OO ..O .OOOO O....O O..O O..O .O ..OOOO.O ...O...O ....O ....O.O . ...OOO ...OO ...OO....O.O....O.O........OO ...OOOOO.O..O..O..O.OO.O.O.OO.......O .....O....O...OO.......O...OO.....OO.O ...O.......O......O.....OO..O......O.O ...O.O......OOOOO.O.......OOO...OO..O ..O.................OO.....OO...OOO ...O.O......OOOOO.O........OO...OOO ...O.......O......O.......OOO...OOO .....O....O...OO........OO..O ...OOOOO.O..O..O..O.OO.O...OO ...OO....O.O....O.O....O.O.OO ...OO......................OO ...OOO . ....O.O ....O ...O...O ..OOOO.O .O O..O O..O O....O .OOOO ..O ...OO ....O..O .....O.O