x = 79, y = 14, rule = B3678/S34678 75b3o$77boo$$bbobo$bbobo35boob4o$3ob3o12boo10bobo5bob4ob3o$bb3o12b6ob 3o4bob3o4b8obo$bb3o12b10o3b8obb9obo$18b11obob19o$bb3o12b10o3b8obb9obo$ bb3o12b6ob3o4bob3o4b8obo$3ob3o12boo10bobo5bob4ob3o$bbobo35boob4o$bbobo ! A reaction in which a period 16 oscillator can turn a rocket into a period 260 puffer which generates sets of four p16 oscillators. This is a reaction which can be the basis of a breeder. David I. Bell, May 1997