#MCell 2.20 #GAME Weighted Life #RULE NW1,NN2,NE0,WW32,ME0,EE4,SW0,SS16,SE8,HI0,RS5,RS7,RS10,RS11,RS13 #RULE ,RS14,RS15,RS17,RS19,RS20,RS21,RS22,RS23,RS25,RS26,RS27,RS28,RS2 #RULE 9,RS30,RS34,RS35,RS37,RS38,RS39,RS40,RS41,RS42,RS43,RS44,RS45,RS #RULE 46,RS49,RS50,RS51,RS52,RS53,RS54,RS56,RS57,RS58,RS60,RB3,RB6,RB1 #RULE 2,RB24,RB33,RB48 #BOARD 100x140 #SPEED 0 #WRAP 1 #CCOLORS 9 #D I found only two reflections by the period-15 spaceship, and both #D are 180-degrees. These are not as useful as they would be if the #D glider was traveling in the same direction as the spaceship. Maybe #D someone else can think of a use. #D #D Paul Callahan, November 1997 #L .A$A.4A$.AA.3A4.A$..A3.A..A$..A3.AA..A$11.A$3.A3.AA3.AA$4.A3.A$4.AA.3A #L $4.A.4A$6.A13$10.A$10.3A$8.3A.AA$10.A..AA$11.A.AA5.A$18.A$12.A.AA3.A$ #L 12.A..AA3.A$11.3A.AA4.AA$14.3A$15.A